Vol. 1 No. bookmed6 (2023): Residencia Medica Ecuador
Book in Spanish.
MEDICAL RESIDENCY is a compendium of stories, anecdotes and experiences that occurred during this stage of training for those who chose the noble path of medicine as a professional career. In this sense, its pages are loaded with emotions, feelings on the surface, signs of gratitude and teachings that come hand in hand with fate.
These stories are written from the heart, which shed powerful reflections on life itself, empathy, sharing with others, effective communication and, especially, knowing how to listen to put yourself in other people's shoes in order to understand what the other is saying. It happens to you and the reasons for the appropriate ones have come to the query.
One of the themes that is repeated the most in these pages has to do with the emotional pain that patients experience, which translates into different illnesses that could have been avoided if those who suffered from them had manifested, at the time, what they were thinking, feeling, living
Of course, there are also clinical pictures resulting from viruses, bacteria, accidents, as physical causes of pathologies. The curious thing is that, in both cases, time becomes a critical factor in resolving these situations. In summary: If any of the causes is treated promptly, the results will be different.
Trust is the axis of the approach, not only in the construction of the doctor-patient relationship, but also as a way of life.