A Review of the diagnosis and treatment of injuries associated with the long head of the biceps tendon.


  • Sebastian Mauricio Venegas Alvarez
  • Fernando Manuel Hidalgo Cisneros
  • Willian Rodrigo Alvarez Mejia




Shoulder, Tendon, Biceps, Tenotomy, Tenodesis



 Objective: Conduct a bibliographic search with a high level of evidence about the diagnosis and treatment of injuries associated with the long head of the biceps tendon (LHBT), in scientific publications in the last 6 years

Materials and methods: Bibliographic review with search and analysis of current articles in English and Spanish. Various search engines were used with emphasis on systematic published from 2016 to 2021. CONSORT strategy was applied for Randomized clinical trials and PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analysis.

Results: The databases Cochrane Library, PubMed, Science Direct and Tripdatabase were reviewed. 1311 articles were found according to the key words. 1295 publications stood out for the inclusion and exclusion criteria and the publication time. The 16 articles were included that based on meta-analysis, systematic reviews and clinical trials. The relevance of this pathology of the long head of the biceps tendon injury was determined as a frequent cause of shoulder pain and the complexity of its diagnosis. Popeye deformity presents three times less in patients undergoing to tenodesis, postoperative acute pain is less intense and narcotic requirements are lower in patients with tenotomy.

Conclusions: An improvement exists in the postsurgical assessment in the functional scales regardless of the technique used, no statistically significant differences. The agreement indicates that tenodesis and tenotomy are effective techniques, functional results, patient satisfaction and absence of pain are also evident in most cases at 12 months of post-intervention follow-up.


